YTB TRAVEL COMPLAINT PROBLEMS or Traverus Travel televerus cell phones,
Scott Tomer, CEO of YTB International, Inc. is “contemplating the replacement of its referring travel agent (RTA) business model with the implementation of a franchise operating system, potentially in 2009.” YTB travel problems are now likely to increase YTB travel complaints by its own travel agents as the multilevel marketing strategy shows its cracks. Already Traverus is attracting YTB travel agents who've packed up and moved out and joined Traverus.
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Tomer said the company “expects that a franchising model, if adopted, would facilitate the company's expansion into additional markets by providing more comprehensive training and a new proprietary e-commerce platform. The YTB Travel problem is a failure of applying the major trends foreseeable in the travel business internationally with the vision to create wealth for its salesforce. Instead, it enslaved everyone with a hook line and a promise of big bucks, but with unreasonable incentive plans. The YTB travel complaints are equated with a frustrated sales force of marketeers untrained in the travel business.
Furthermore, "details regarding price, product offerings and the conversion plan are all under consideration, but the company anticipates that its existing RTA base would be treated favorably under its forthcoming proposal," Tomer's statement continued. "If a franchising model is adopted, its distribution is expected to be managed by subsidiary and current marketing arm of the company,, also known as” Well, what it means is, the experiment with inducing people to invest a lot of time and money, with unreasonable expectations did not work.
Therefore, the end result is YTB Travel complaints, YTB travel problems, YTB travel complaints, YTB travel problems, YTB travel complaints, YTB travel problems and it never ends. The ball is rolling down the hill and unfortunately, the marketeers are stuck with the bill and no paycheck. This is not the case with Traverus.
Learn about our compensation plan, the best in the travel biz, with traverus and let go of the YTB travel complaints and YTB travel problems. Become more than a marketeer, but become an independent internationally certified travel agent with a great future. Also, note, traverus has captured the market in travel in over 90 countries and is the exclusive partner of 5ctv in China. Call anywhere around the world and begin with a phone call to the orient at Traverus Travel 5ctv televerus cell phones. Your turnkey business with Traverus Travel televerus cell phones affords that opportunity with international calls.
Eric D. Hallerud (515)269-8511