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YTB Travel Problems

YTB Travel Problems
Abandon Ship

Tuesday, October 7, 2008



I think back when I first got my feet wet with the MLM fervor, the interest stirred in my being an attraction for the plan to become independently wealthy, but perhaps fate, who knows, interrupted the pull to be a participant of the YTB travel problems. Indeed, perhaps, the word I mean to use is perceived incorrectly a participant with YTB travel problems and not as a victim. A classic movie, starring American hollywood icon now deceased of course, George C. Scott, played the leading role as the "Flim Flam Man". The overall theme in the movie was, to quote from my memory as it was some time ago that I watched it, "you can't cheat an honest man".

YTB travel Problems effectively induced a lot of honest people to market dishonesty. These honest people, could not be dishonest, as when these people saw that they were being induced in a business that would force them financially to make money from referring other people to be induced into the business, from which they were not successfully profitting, they quit.

YTB travel problems is an example of what happens when we are entangled in the rough and tumble world of a business practice that says here's a good deal and then after the purchase, the induced party is spending the rest of his endeavour working not to increase his business, but rather pressured to induce others in order to make up the difference from what he or she lost; ie, cover their losses. That is essentially the YTB, International, inc. way of doing business.

It seems to me there was a corporation known as MCI, a telecommunications company that had similar problems, as its leadership, tried to overlook the losses and promulgate great wealth in hopes that with the market changes, the losses will wash away. It did not happen. YTB Travel lawsuits are not going away. The YTB travel problems are essentially flawed in its foundation, which is to say marketing to induce people to achieve low percentage opportunity in mlm. YTB travel problems stems from a concept to make money by going out of business in order to go into business with YTB, international, inc. The ship is sinking and its time to abandon ship.

YTB travel Problems are manifested like the flim flam man whom was not convinced that honesty in business was to ever exist and so he opted to induce, not to sell a service or product, rather to induce off the weaknesses of other people. The sale of a product or service connotes a neutral posture to a potential marketed target referred, so it would seem. The young man in the movie, represented the ideal that people are honest. I tend to be idealistic, though wisdom should prevail as evident with the YTB travel lawsuits now present, as YTB travel complaints filed by former YTB travel associates is a clear sign that there be a wee bit of skullduggery afoot.

Let's try to compare a few facts with Traverus Travel. YTB, International, inc. requires six people, and Traverus Travel requires only two people referred in order to begin earning an income. With Traverus Travel, the cost is overall cheaper and the travel agents are qualified, ie, they must pass tests to become certified travel agents. Furthermore, Traverus Travel does not try to imply that it is international, with its thousands of associates and agents in over ninety countries in contrast to YTB, international, inc. spilling in North America and the Carribean.

YTB travel problems are visible and it took honest people in the business to speak out against it and so have brought forth the YTB travel complaints to the attention of the Better Business Bureau, and now YTB travel lawsuits are spilling over into California, Illinois, and Florida. As it were, YTB travel problems are further reflected in its revocation of certification with IATA.

Avoid being domesticated with YTB travel problems. There's a better way to do business than going out of business as a participant of YTB travel problems. Rather than going out of business with the YTB travel problem, internationally speaking of course, go into business with Traverus Travel, which has already captured the market in China with its exclusive rights with the internet media of 5CTV and that means big bucks opportunity, a financial future with Traverus Travel, internationally speaking, of course.Visit>

Eric D. Hallerud (515)991-3668