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YTB Travel Problems

YTB Travel Problems
Abandon Ship

Saturday, December 6, 2008

YTB TRAVEL COMPLAINT PROBLEMS Traverus Travel televerus cell phones,

YTB TRAVEL COMPLAINT PROBLEMS or Traverus Travel televerus cell phones

YTB TRAVEL COMPLAINT PROBLEMS are still there. YTB travel complaints continue. The YTB travel lawsuits still pending in California and also in Illinois. Possibly, YTB travel lawsuits may begin in Florida. Of course, YTB travel complaints are hurling throughout the USA. The YTB travel problem begins with a lie, the international company, YTB International, is only in the regions of the USA, Canada, and the Carribean.

Perhaps, a few more statistics to present for the YTB travel problem may enlighten to the Y is there YTB travel complaints and YTB travel lawsuits:

32,815 RTA's QUIT YTB IN JUST THE LAST 90 DAYS!!! (As reported in Nov 2008 YTB SEC filing.....TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHERE YTB IS HEADING.... FOR THE SAME 3RD QUARTER OPERATING PERIOD IN 2007 , YTB GREW BY 38,032..... so YTB's experiencing the largest attrition rate in it's 8 year history and losing 32,815 reps is also one of the worst attrition rates for a 90 day period in the entire MLM industry)
YTB paid out nearly 4 million less in commissions during the 3rd quarter of 2008, when compare to 2007 3rd quarter numbers......
YTB's Cash on Hand drops to under $600,000 for 2008, compared to 4.46 million for the same quarter in 2007
July 2008 - YTB loses appeal for IATA re-instatement (If it wasn't an important certification, they wouldn't have tried to get it back).
8000 RTA's quit YTB between April 2008 & June 2008 , and this was before news of the California Attorney General's Lawsuit hit!
YTB lays-off a large number of employees ...... A real sign of money problems
YTB reports 3.7 million in losses thus far for 2008 (Courtesy of

Consider a better way and join Traverus.

Nichts on the YTB travel problem, and go for Traverus Travel marketing others to become travel agents and then qualify as a certified travel agent (CTA) with the option also, to start as a referral travel consultant (RTC); Join Traverus Travel, The right way is the Traverus Travel way, a real brick-and-mortar travel store and is international.

Visit Traverus Travel California.

Eric D. Hallerud (515) 269-8511